Earnings with youtube channel. Where to start and how to make money

Greetings to all readers on my site, or just casual visitors I also started going to the YouTube website and subscribing to channels that interest me after I purchased a tablet and mounted a Wifi router at home, making some kind of stream tape in the website for my pleasure.This is a series article i will be providing about how to get success on youtube.This is episode 1 so make sure follow our blog to get notify right when the next blog published.

In my feed there are many channels, that reviews of purchases from Chinese online stores, several channels of us uk and English that do prank, a few of channels dedicated to sports then on.

At first, I didn't believe the very fact that this will bring tons of cash , however, having learned a touch information, I learned that top video bloggers don't observe money on this just like that.

The clearest example is Max +2045056. At the instant , he has been leading his own Drew bennsky channel for several years where he flies his travels in various countries, drives the fresh Range Rover and doesn’t blow the mustache.

Essentially, earnings for a video blogger come from partnership programs (an analog as adsense. Direct used to have DSCs before), or you can promote your sponsor in the video itself by enabling ads directly .

That we have more or less found a way to make money, now we need to make sure your channel is popular, has a lot of views and a lot of subscribers. It's more challenging

The main thing here is to capture your flavor, or make who is already doing it great. Probably the best way to choose a theme for your videos is to track the YouTube in English constantly, and produce something similar in your region section when a new bomb emerges. So many bloggers became popular by doing this.

However, I genuinely imagine what kind of work it is to constantly think about something on camera, to say interesting & unique things every time, because it just doesn't turn out that you will be constantly watched after making 1 video for a month and a half.

Even if there are such instances, but they are single. So, before you start creating a site, make a few releases, check them on your relatives and friends, and only then upload them to the network so as not to be laughed on the Web at all.

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